One day each month Rotty will assign you a task.
On the date of the task post your entry to Instagram using the hashtag #hvhtasks and tag @homevideohorrors.
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We’ll repost our favorites, including a winner, the next day.
We’ll message the winner for your address and will send you some kind of neato prize.
You can still participate in any task after the date has passed, but the contest will have ended.
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Tasks for 2021
"Photograph a tape alongside the most random object. Give no context."
Winner: Max Matta
"Photograph a favorite tape in the most unusual place you can think of."
Winner: Collect Horror
"Post a lame tape and claim that it is the holy grail of your collection."
Winner: Jonathan Young
"Take a sexy selfie with your naughtiest tape."
"Elaborately decorate a blank / naked tape."
"Construct the best shrine to the tape gods."
"Guess the Theme: Shoot a tape-stack of flicks with something non-obvious in common."
"Dress up in a makeshift costume of Rotty Rentals."
"Post a photo of the crappiest movie you own in the toilet."
"Shitty Secret Santa: Gift wrap the most random tape you can think of and mail it to an unsuspecting recipient."